Title: config
### Error reporting ###
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT & ~E_WARNING & ~E_NOTICE);
### Main ###
define('GWF_DOMAIN', 'localhost'); # Example: ''.
define('GWF_SITENAME', 'WC_LOCAL'); # Your Site`s name. htmlspecialchars() it yourself.
define('GWF_WEB_ROOT_NO_LANG', '/'); # Add trailing and leading slash. Example: '/' or '/mywebdir/'.
define('GWF_DEFAULT_DOCTYPE', 'html5'); # Set the default html-doctype for gwf. Modules can change it.
define('GWF_LOG_BITS', 0xfff);
### 3rd Party ###
define('GWF_SMARTY_PATH', '/home/gizmore/www/gwf3/core/inc/3p/smarty4/libs/Smarty.class.php'); # Path to Smarty.class.php. Smarty replaced the GWF template engine and has to be available.
define('GWF_JPGRAPH_PATH', '/home/gizmore/www/jpgraph/jpgraph.php'); # Path to jpgraph.php. JPGraph is a library to draw graphs with php. It is available under the GPL.
define('GWF_GESHI_PATH', '/home/gizmore/www/geshi/src/geshi.php'); # Path to geshi.php. GeSHi is a GPL licensed Syntax highlighter.
### Smarty ###
define('GWF_SMARTY_DIRS', '/home/gizmore/www/gwf3/extra/temp/smarty');
define('GWF_SMARTY_TPL_DIR', '/home/gizmore/www/gwf3/extra/temp/smarty_cache/tpl'); # Path to smarty template directory.
define('GWF_SMARTY_COMPILE_DIR', '/home/gizmore/www/gwf3/extra/temp/smarty_cache/tplc'); # Path to smarty caching directory.
define('GWF_SMARTY_CACHE_DIR', '/home/gizmore/www/gwf3/extra/temp/smarty_cache/cache'); # Path to smarty cache directory.
define('GWF_SMARTY_CONFIG_DIR', '/home/gizmore/www/gwf3/extra/temp/smarty_cache/cfg'); # Path to smarty config directory.
define('GWF_SMARTY_PLUGINS_DIR', '/home/gizmore/www/gwf3/core/inc/smartyplugins'); # Path to the gwf smarty plugins.
define('GWF_ERRORS_TO_SMARTY', false); # Group all Error and display them in one Box?
define('GWF_MESSAGES_TO_SMARTY', false); # Same as above with success-messages
### Defaults ###
define('GWF_DEFAULT_URL', 'about_wechall'); # 1st visit URL. Example: 'home'.
define('GWF_DEFAULT_LANG', 'en'); # Fallback language. Should be 'en'.
define('GWF_DEFAULT_MODULE', 'WeChall'); # 1st visit module. Example: 'MyModule'.
define('GWF_DEFAULT_METHOD', 'About'); # 1st visit method. Example: 'Home'.
define('GWF_DEFAULT_DESIGN', 'wc4'); # Default design. Example: 'default'.
define('GWF_ICON_SET', 'default'); # Default Icon-Set. Example: 'default'.
//define('GWF_DOWN_REASON', 'Converting the database atm. should be back within 45 minutes.'); # The Message if maintainance-mode is enabled.
### Language ###
define('GWF_LANG_ADMIN', 'en'); # Admins language. Should be 'en'.
define('GWF_SUPPORTED_LANGS', 'en;de;fr;it;pl;hu;es;bs;et;fi;ur;tr;sq;nl;ru;cs;sr;ar'); # Separate 2 char ISO codes by semicolon. Currently (partially) Supported: en;de;fr;it;pl;hu;es;bs;et;fi;ur;tr;sq;nl;ru;cs;sr
### Various ###
define('GWF_ONLINE_TIMEOUT', 60); # A request will mark you online for N seconds.
define('GWF_CRONJOB_BY_WEB', 0); # Chance in permille to trigger cronjob by www clients (0-1000)
define('GWF_CAPTCHA_COLOR_BG', 'FFFFFF'); # Captcha background color. 6 hex digits. Example: ffffff
#define('GWF_USER_STACKTRACE', true); # Show stacktrace to the user on error? Example: true.
define('GWF_USER_STACKTRACE', true); # Show stacktrace to the user on error? Example: true.
define('GWF_CHALLENGE_SALT', 'dRa3CPEyT6b0zzyk'); # May not be changed after install!
### Database ###
define('GWF_SECRET_SALT', 'XlXpyKXtmXXXXmX'); # May not be changed after install!
define('GWF_CHMOD', 0700); # CHMOD mask for file creation. 0700 for mpm-itk env. 0777 in worst case.
define('GWF_DB_HOST', 'localhost'); # Database host. Usually localhost.
define('GWF_DB_USER', 'wechall'); # Database username. Example: 'some_sql_username'.
define('GWF_DB_PASSWORD', 'wechall'); # Database password.
define('GWF_DB_DATABASE', 'wechall'); # Database db-name.
define('GWF_DB_TYPE', 'mysqli'); # Database type. Currently only 'mysql' is supported.
define('GWF_DB_ENGINE', 'myIsam'); # Default database table type. Either 'innoDB' or 'myIsam'.
define('GWF_DB_CHARSET', 'utf8mb4'); #
define('GWF_TABLE_PREFIX', 'wc4_'); # Database table prefix. Example: 'gwf3_'.
### Session ###
define('GWF_SESS_NAME', 'WC'); # Cookie Prefix. Example: 'GWF'.
define('GWF_SESS_LIFETIME', 259200); # Session lifetime in seconds.
define('GWF_SESS_PER_USER', 2); # Number of allowed simultanous sessions per user. Example: 1
### IP ###
define('GWF_IP_QUICK', 'hash_32_1'); # Hashed IP Duplicates. See core/inc/util/GWF_IP6.php
define('GWF_IP_EXACT', 'bin_32_128'); # Complete IP storage. See core/inc/util/GWF_IP6.php
### EMail ###
define('GWF_DEBUG_EMAIL', 31); # Send Mail on errors? 0=NONE, 1=DB ERRORS, 2=PHP_ERRORS, 4=404, 8=403, 16=MailToScreen)
define('GWF_BOT_EMAIL', ''); # Robot sender email. Example:
#define('GWF_ADMIN_EMAIL', ''); # Hardcoded admin mail. Example:
define('GWF_ADMIN_EMAIL', ''); # Hardcoded admin mail. Example:
define('GWF_SUPPORT_EMAIL', ''); # Support email. Example:
define('GWF_STAFF_EMAILS', ''); # CC staff emails seperated by comma. Example: ','.
define('GWF_ERROR_EMAIL', '');
### Security ###
define('GWF_CROSS_DOMAIN_POLICY', 'none');
define('GWF_STRICT_TRANSPORT_SECURITY', 'max-age=86400; includeSubDomains');
define('GWF_OG_IMAGE', 'tpl/wc4/img/logo_wc4_large.png');
### Website Down? ###
#define('GWF_WORKER_IP', '');
#require_once 'temp_ban.php';
#require_once 'temp_down.php';
#(c)2009-2012 gizmore.
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