Railsbin – The vulnerable pastebin service!
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<?php $lang = array( 'title' => 'Payback Time!!!', 'info' => ' Hello %s,<br/> <br/> Long time no see!<br/> I have news... good or bad... i don\'t know<br/> Time is passing by, and none of my projects bring the end goal of world peace.<br/> I am restarting my framework from scratch, this time in python, and.... yeah... But! - I have an old interesting project i wanna share in form of another "special" challenge.<br/> <br/> And the story goes... <br/><br/> Germany\'s economy is getting bad.<br/> Towns and employees are getting in debt more and more.<br/> Now, it is <a href="%s">PAYBACK TIME!</a><br/> <br/> Help our employees to get some free meals or haircuts...<br/> To do so, collect 5 stars and 1 diamond.<br/> <br/> You should be able to figure out how that works. (that\'s the challenge, like german "Textverständnis" <br/> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br/> This is kinda promotion and advertise challenge, but i still rate this challenge with one point. I hope some will like the idea and some won\'t get angry over a new lame clicky click nothing to hack challenge<br/> <br/> Sincerly,<br/> - gizmore', );