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# CGX#12: PHPStorm [PHPStorm](https://www.jetbrains.com/phpstorm/) is a highly professional [PHP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PHP) [IDE](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integrated_development_environment) working on most OS. Others stand no change against the product from house [Jetbeain](https://www.jetbrains.com/). After bigger and bigger challenges, disappointments, and limitations, and being very familiar and good with Eclipse, I really gave PHPStorm a chance and it was a breathtaking experience. In this video we discuss wording and explore the most outstanding features of this fabulous IDE. The best programming software product i have ever used, and definately the **best** PHP IDE. Amazing! - gizmore ## CGX#12 PHPStorm: License The license and *paywall*(?) always made PHPStorm a no-go for me, but this is **NOT** the case. There are very fleixble license models, which are totally fair. - Preview (maybe re-new?) - Lifelong (every licensed version) - Monthly (Two IDEs) - Personal (fair) - Company (fair) - Commercial always possible ## CGX#12 PHPStorm: Wording Some general PHPStorm terminalogy. - `Indentions` - Code Whitespaces - `Inspections` - Code Validators - `Formatting` - All of that! - `Completion` - Source generation - `Refactoring` - Code alterations - `Excluded` - No Formatting, ...? - `SourceRoot` - But Completion! ## CGX#12 PHPStorm: Features and Tricks In case you are coming from Eclipse, it does not matter, you might find these tips useful. - Eclipse problems (PHP8, Bugs, Performance, Features) - JVM (Stack, Threads, Heap) (**crashes**) - Folders (Excluded and SourceRoot) - xDebug (Analyze Profiler-Data) - IDE Migration (Eclipse, Notepad++, shortcuts) - Colors (OS-Mode) - Collaboration - Spell Checker - Settings (Search, Highlighting) - Other Filtypes (Markdown, JS, CSS, more...) - Plugins not *required*, **but**... Wow.. a [bytecode](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bytecode) [analyzer](https://github.com/kalessil/phpinspectionsea) :O ## CGX#12 PHPStorm: GDOv7 Inregration. Own experience with [phpgdo](https://github.com/gizmore/phpgdo). - Many hours of configuration, **then**: ([PHPStorm profile]()) - More than **30!** *real* **bugs** found with ease - Finally experiment again with PHP performance - Solve **all** Eclipse problems without a single plugin - Almost **zero** missing features or bigger issues. - Very polished, flexible and usable UI. ## CGX#12 PHPStorm: Missing Features Features i could *not* / or **never** find anywhere. - No RegEx modifiers (*never needed*) - Regex (Search history a bit tedious?)