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<?php namespace GDO\LinkUUp\Test; use GDO\Tests\TestCase; use GDO\LinkUUp\LUP_Room; use GDO\LinkUUp\LUP_Category; use GDO\LinkUUp\Module_LinkUUp; use GDO\File\GDO_File; use function PHPUnit\Framework\assertTrue; use GDO\Address\GDO_Address; /** * LinkUUp automated code quality test cases. * * @author gizmore * @since 7.0.1 */ final class LUPTest extends TestCase { private LUP_Category $germany; private GDO_File $germanyIcon; private GDO_Address $germanyAddress; public function testCategoryIcon() { $module = Module_LinkUUp::instance(); $path = $module->filePath('data/germany.png'); $image = GDO_File::fromPath('germany.png', $path)->insert()->copy(); $this->germanyIcon = $image; assertTrue($image->isPersisted(), 'Test if a category icon can be created.'); } public function testCategoryCreation() { $cat = LUP_Category::blank([ 'cat_name' => 'Special', 'cat_color' => '#FF0000', # Knallrot 'cat_icon' => $this->germanyIcon->getID(), ])->insert(); $this->germany = $cat; assert($cat->isPersisted(), 'Test if a category can be created.'); } public function testAddressCreation() { $add = GDO_Address::blank([ 'address_company' => 'Deutschland GmbH', 'address_vat' => '0000001', 'address_name' => 'Angela Merkel', 'address_street' => 'Am Brandenburger Tor 1', 'address_zip' => '10000', 'address_city' => 'Berlin', 'address_country' => 'DE', 'address_phone' => null, 'address_phone_fax' => null, 'address_phone_mobile' => null, 'address_email' => 'support@linkuup.de', ])->insert(); assert($add->isPersisted(), "Test if address can be created."); $this->germanyAddress = $add; } public function testGermanyRoomCreation() { $germany = LUP_Room::blank([ 'room_owner' => '2', # gizmore 'room_name' => 'Germany', 'room_info' => 'Der Deutschland Kanal nur für Euch!', 'room_color' => '#FFD700', # Gold 'room_category' => $this->germany->getID(), 'room_pos_lat' => '20.0', 'room_pos_lng' => '20.0', 'room_view' => '42000.0', 'room_radius' => '800.0', 'room_www' => 'https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deutschland', 'room_phone' => '+49 176 - 59 59 88 44', 'room_hours' => null, 'room_address' => $this->germanyAddress->getID(), 'room_image' => $this->germanyIcon->getID(), 'room_show_distance' => '0', ])->insert(); assert($germany->isPersisted(), 'Test if germany can be created.'); $this->germany = $germany; # for the next test. } }