Railsbin – The vulnerable pastebin service!


Title: mysql adventures



PHP Exception: Database Error(1060): Duplicate column name 'user_id'

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM  ( SELECT * FROM `gdo_guestbookmessage`  JOIN `gdo_user` ON `gdo_user`.user_id=`gdo_guestbookmessage`.gbm_user LEFT JOIN gdo_user t_gbm_user ON gdo_guestbookmessage.gbm_user = t_gbm_user.user_id WHERE (gbm_guestbook=1) AND (gbm_approved IS NOT NULL) AND (gbm_deleted IS NULL) AND (gdo_guestbookmessage.gbm_message_text LIKE '%aaa%' OR t_gbm_user.user_id LIKE '%aaa%' OR t_gbm_user.user_name LIKE '%aaa%' OR t_gbm_user.user_guest_name LIKE '%aaa%' OR t_gbm_user.user_real_name LIKE '%aaa%' OR t_gbm_user.user_level LIKE '%aaa%' OR t_gbm_user.user_credits LIKE '%aaa%' OR t_gbm_user.user_country LIKE '%aaa%' OR t_gbm_user.user_language LIKE '%aaa%' OR t_gbm_user.user_timezone COLLATE ascii_general_ci LIKE '%aaa%' OR t_gbm_user.user_register_ip COLLATE ascii_general_ci LIKE '%aaa%' OR gdo_guestbookmessage.gbm_email LIKE '%aaa%' OR gdo_guestbookmessage.gbm_website LIKE '%aaa%') ) querytable

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