Railsbin – The vulnerable pastebin service!


Title: t


Dear IRCGO Staff,

My name is gizmore, and i developed an IRC game.

"Shadowlamb" is an interactive PHPMMOIRCRPG.

Unlike idlerpg, shadowlamb is more like a text based "World of Warcraft"

You can: craft items, interact in combat, cast spells, join parties, create clans, solve quests, and more.

The game is open source, and non-profit. ( https://github.com/gizmore/gwf3/tree/master/core/module/Dog/dog_modules/dog_module/Shadowlamb )


It seems like my bot (irc.wechall.net) / is banned on your network, probably because i introduced it not nicely or joined the wrong channel.

Please unban it, and lets make ircgo a network for more future hackers!


 - gizmore

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